Workplace Health

Practical on-site workshops to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of your staff.

Healthier staff are happier, more productive and take fewer sick days. Our team will work with your staff to identify and self-manage common injuries or complaints associated with sitting, heavy lifting, repetitive strain injury, sports-related and general injuries. We provide stretching bands and rubber balls for staff to learn techniques that can be applied in the home or workplace.
My programs are tailored to your needs, designed and delivered in your workplace. Fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch.

What are Workplace Health Programs?

These programs are delivered by our team directly to businesses or councils, and show staff the most common injuries or complaints in the workplace, and how stretching and mobilisation techniques can assist in relieving some of the symptoms.

Workplace health issues related to sitting for prolonged periods or repetitive strain can be all too common for employees. Our Workplace Health and Wellness Programs have been designed following extensive experience in seeing thousands of patients over many years.

The injuries do not have to have been caused in the workplace, many workers bring existing conditions relating to accidents, sport or underlying conditions.

What should I expect from a Workplace Health Program?

During a workshop, participants are provided with information and education about the importance of stretching and moving at work. We go over the most common injuries and complaints, then participants are then guided through a series of exercises and stretches that help improve mobility and circulation. 

We provide Therabands and stress balls to all participants and provide links to demonstration videos for easier self-managed and ongoing care of their physical well-being in the workplace.

Our Workplace Health seminars cover common workplace complaints and injuries, the underlying causes of injuries and complaints, practical stretching and exercises for the workplace or home.

What are the benefits of a Workplace Health program?

Workshops are interactive and are typically an hour in length. They are designed specifically for the relevant workers attending so that they are able to learn how to manage and improve health issues related to sitting for too long, repetitive strain, heavy lifting, poor sitting posture and exacerbating any existing injuries. Workplace health and wellness programs suit businesses of any size and have emotional and mental benefits as well as physical benefits for staff.


Commonly reported benefits can include tension reduction in muscles, reduced absenteeism and staff turnover, improved physical and mental health, reduction in stress related issues and improved concentration.

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